
Our group performs time-resolved optical studies of excited-state dynamics in materials for applications in energy conversion, optoelectronics, and information science. We are associated with the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering and the Energy Sciences Institute at Yale University. We are always looking for prospective PhD students with backgrounds in Engineering, Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry. Students interested in applying could reach out to Prof. Guo via email.


June 3, 2024
We are glad to have Jee Yung Park join us as a postdoc fellow. Jee obtained a PhD degree in Chemical Engineering at Purdue University, working with Prof. Letian Dou. Welcome...
May 22, 2024
We are glad to host Prof. Hanyu Zhu from Rice University. Hanyu will give an ESI seminar on chiral phonon-spin conversion using rare-earth based materials. Welcome, Hanyu!
May 15, 2024
Congratulations to Shunran for winning the 2024 Henry Prentiss Becton Graduate Prize! The Henry Prentiss Becton Graduate Prize for exceptional achievement in research is...