Shunran, Bowen and Peijun were at Cornell CHESS in December for some in-situ x-ray diffraction experiments. Have fun!
Conrad and Peijun will attend the 2023 MRS Fall Meeting this week. Conrad will present his work on buried-interface imaging, while Peijun will organize a symposium on...
Shunran presented his work on refractive index determination for chiral 2D perovskites. Peijun gave an invited talk, focusing on our developments of a new pump-probe imaging...
Peijun gave an invited talk at IEEE RAPID 2023, while meeting old and new friends. Thanks to Sukrith Dev and Ben Diroll for the invitation!
We welcome our new group members, Bowen Li and Linqi Chen! Bowen graduated from the University of Southern California in Chemical Engieering. Linqi graduated from the...
Today marks the last day of Chris Vera’s stay in our group. Chris was a Yale Pathways Internship student from Wilbur Cross high school in New Haven. He studied the...
Our group is at the 3-ID beamline of NSLS-II this week! We will use hard x-ray probes to study structures of perovskites at the nanoscale.